Communication 101 for Engineers

Disclaimer and Privacy Statement

We care about your privacy.

This course includes a number of individual surveys hosted by Google Forms. Your personal answers will only be shared with you. At no time will your personal results be shared with others in a way that identifies the results directly with you. Not now, and never in the future.

Summaries and Reports

During the course, your responses will be combined with the rest of the course attendees and shared. Also, the combined results will be shared with others to show general trends. Any time we share such reports, we will always do this in an anonymous fashion. For instance, we may generate a presentation or a blog entry to show how many engineers like to work from home at least 1 day per week.

How your Survey Results will be used

After you filled out the surveys, your survey results may be used to email you tips and tricks related to specific growth skills. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to run the surveys again in the future. At such time, you can compare the answers to analyse your own progression towards your goals.

We will send you copies of all your survey results to the email you enter in each survey taken during this course. You should use the same email address for all surveys, so they all get linked to you.

Getting the most out of the Surveys

Please answer each survey honestly. The goal is for you to self-score your skills and identify your strengths and growth opportunities. It is not a competition with other attendees. There are no good and no bad answers.

You rights to be forgotten

At any point in time, you can request your survey results to be deleted or your email address to be removed from the survey results. In that case, you will not be able to access your results anymore in the future, of course. Just send a mail to with your request.

June 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands